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3 Ways to Eliminate Teacher Frustration with Technology

When using technology in your classroom, unexpected problems can sometimes arise, preventing you from being able to deliver your carefully prepared lessons and leading to immense frustration.  Here are 3 tips to help you through those trying times. 1. Always write down your password. Teachers have access to a wide range of educational programs that […]

When using technology in your classroom, unexpected problems can sometimes arise, preventing you from being able to deliver your carefully prepared lessons and leading to immense frustration.  Here are 3 tips to help you through those trying times.

1. Always write down your password. Teachers have access to a wide range of educational programs that they can use to enhance students learning experience. Nothing is worse than having all these tools at your fingertips, and not being able to use them because you forgot your password. Always write down your password somewhere you can access it easily, whether that be on your phone, a piece of paper, or a post-it note. Just make sure you store these in a safe place that can’t be accessed by other faculty or students.

2. Don’t be afraid to let your students teach you. Some students these days have a great deal of knowledge when it comes to technology. They will always have a new app, new trick, or new tool to use that you may have never witnessed before. Don’t dismiss a tool because you think it isn’t educational. The students may just prove you wrong. 

3. Always have a Plan B. No matter how prepared you are, sometimes things just go wrong. We’ve all experienced a time where technology doesn’t cooperate with us. The Wi-Fi could be down, the website you’d planned on using might have crashed, or the video you had planned on showing might have been removed. Whatever problem may surface, always have a backup plan. Being flexible is nothing new if you are a teaching, and integrating technology is no different. 

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