Long Island IT Support

LI Tech doesn't just stop at providing you with a technology service; we'll give you unbiased advice in order to help you with the next critical steps in your organization.

IT Support For All Long Island Businesses

It can be hard to find an IT support company that doesn't just supply the basics. Any IT company can fix your broken equipment, but what about all the other services you need? Running a business is hard enough as is, and integrating security, customized software, and being sure your website is up to accessibility compliance standards is only another weight on the shoulders of your company. It doesn't have to be that way though. Long Island Tech Advisors offers more than the bare minimum to your business.

IT Support Long Island

LI Tech Advisors: Your Trusted Long Island IT Support Partner

As a leading provider of Long Island IT support, LI Tech Advisors understands the unique technology challenges faced by businesses in the region. We offer comprehensive IT support services tailored to your specific needs, whether you're a small business or a large enterprise. Our team of certified IT professionals is dedicated to providing reliable, proactive, and cost-effective solutions that help you achieve your business goals.

IT Support Services
Provided By LI Tech Advisors

Managed IT Services

Don't worry about managing your IT infrastructure on your own. We'll manage, maintain, and support it for you so you can focus on growing your business.

Customized Software

To help you achieve your business objectives, we can develop custom software based on your requirements.

Network and Managed Security Services

Security is an issue for all businesses, but L.I. Tech provides security solutions tailored to your business. We do security audits and maintained protocols to protect your data and prevent a breach of your information.

Accessibility Compliance Testing

Having CPAAC certified accessibility experts, we'll make sure your website and digital offerings are in compliance with WCAG guidelines and section 508.

Educational Technology

Stay up to date with the latest technology using our educational technology training, service, support, and co-managed IT.

Continuous IT Care

We want your business to be efficient, mobile, and cost-effective, so that's why we offer continuous care from a reputable and dependable IT firm. You'll have a predictable maintenance cost and optimal IT operations and security.

Proactive IT Support to Minimize Downtime and Maximize Productivity

Downtime can be a costly disruption for any Long Island business. LI Tech Advisors takes a proactive approach to IT support, monitoring your systems 24/7 to identify and resolve potential issues before they cause downtime. Our team of experts is always available to provide prompt support, ensuring your technology is always working for you, not against you.

LI Tech Advisors Understands Business Outcomes

Your success is our success. Without proper IT management, a company cannot operate as efficiently, and if you're not operating efficiently, then we aren't doing our job efficiently. We want to make sure your company achieves its desired outcomes. We leverage IT in order to help you achieve those outcomes, such as:

  • Increased sales, profitability, ROI, and shareholder value
  • More/better clients
  • High company morale
  • Early transition and retirement
  • More time off to spend with family and/or friends
  • An expenses budget that includes technology and support
  • An effortless business process

Cybersecurity Solutions to Safeguard Your Long Island Business

With cyber threats constantly evolving, it's crucial to have a robust cybersecurity strategy in place. LI Tech Advisors offers a range of cybersecurity solutions tailored to protect your Long Island business from cyberattacks, data breaches, and other online threats. Our proactive approach to security includes vulnerability assessments, threat detection, and employee training to help you stay ahead of the curve.

Long Island IT Support

Will My Data Be Accessible?

Absolutely. Your data will be accessible to you at all times. We'll put proactive measures in place to make sure your data and IT systems aren't lost. All data is backed up to make sure it's accessible to you whenever needed. L.I. Tech Advisors will provide you with total IT care, on and off-site, no matter what problem arises.

Ask your current Long Island IT support company how they protect all your business data.

How Will the Cloud Save Me Time and Money?

L.I. Tech will implement a customized cloud-based solution, designed specifically for your Long Island business. Whatever your needs may be, our team of experts is able to set up everything. We can do simple file storage, sharing options, virtualization, and business intelligence analytics all within the cloud. Many businesses choose to go this route due to the cost-effectiveness, scalability, and mobile-friendly structure. Just about every IT solution you need can be located within one, cost-effective and customized cloud-based system.

Is your Long Island IT support company helping you understand everything about the cloud?

IT Support Company on Long Island

Can Long Island Tech Help with Executive Decision-Making?

We are a company that provides all the IT support you need. So, of course, we want to learn about the goals and operational objectives of your Long Island business. To be a trusted partner, it's always important to understand our clients and what they want and need. LI Tech doesn't just stop at providing you with a technology service; we'll give you unbiased advice in order to help you with the next critical steps in your organization.

Schedule A Call With Our 
Long Island IT Support Team