Ensuring Meeting Security: Beware of Third-Party Bots!

As CEO of LI Tech Advisors, a firm dedicated to providing top-notch technology advising, MSP services, compliance solutions, and custom software, safeguarding your privacy and security is our top priority. Today, I want to shed light on the risks associated with third-party bots in meetings and emphasize the importance of prioritizing security over convenience. "When […]

As CEO of LI Tech Advisors, a firm dedicated to providing top-notch technology advising, MSP services, compliance solutions, and custom software, safeguarding your privacy and security is our top priority. Today, I want to shed light on the risks associated with third-party bots in meetings and emphasize the importance of prioritizing security over convenience.

"When a service is free, YOU are the product."

When it comes to transcribing and recording virtual meetings, the allure of third-party bots and AI solutions may seem tempting. However, it's crucial to tread carefully. Our experience has taught us that free products or services often come at the cost of compromising your privacy and data security.

Meetings frequently contain sensitive information that demands confidentiality. Third-party bots, while seemingly helpful, pose significant risks. They may scrape your calendar for information, unknowingly transcribe or record meetings, and even join meetings without your consent. At LI Tech Advisors, we advise against using potentially risky third-party bots to ensure the security and privacy of your meetings.

Recent actions taken by institutions like Stanford, blocking various bots from Zoom, serve as a stark reminder of the potential threats. The list of blocked bots includes OtterPilot,, Sembly, and more. However, it's crucial to recognize that this isn't an exhaustive list, and vendors can adapt their bots to bypass firewall protections.

Instead, opt for trusted platforms like Teams or Zoom, which offer built-in transcription and recording features while prioritizing security and privacy. These platforms notify meeting participants of recording and transcription status, empower hosts to control meeting recordings, and enable them to remove unauthorized attendees or bots.

Additionally, here are some best practices to enhance meeting security:

  1. Avoid sharing meeting information through third-party calendar integrations.
  2. Invest in vetted and paid-for software solutions.
  3. Utilize built-in app features whenever possible.
  4. For sensitive meetings, implement a waiting room to screen attendees before joining.

"Did you know? Zoominfo, the lead generation company, has an interesting clause in their Terms of Service for using their free service. They collect email signatures for their benefit, which contributes to their extensive database on companies and cell phones. It's worth considering the implications of such data practices on your privacy and security."

By adhering to these practices, you can mitigate the risks associated with third-party bots and ensure the confidentiality of your meetings. At LI Tech Advisors, we remain committed to guiding you toward secure and efficient technology solutions. Your privacy matters, and we're here to help you safeguard it.

#MeetingSecurity #DataPrivacy #TechAdvisors #CyberSecurity #PrivacyMatters

